Marsh & McLennan Agency

332 West Superior St. • Suite 700 • Duluth, MN 55802
United States
Marsh & McLennan Agency's Photo

Experience fosters confidence in providing insurance service. Liscomb-Hood-Mason Company's presence in the insurance community began in 1927 as Michaud-Liscomb, Inc., becoming the Charles F. Liscomb Company in 1933, Liscomb-Hood Company in 1943, and adopting our present name in 1957. 

Only our name has changed to reflect our growth and continuity of service. Our leadership and commitment have not changed; time has strengthened our confidence, independence and versatility. As independent insurance agents, we are dedicated to securing the best possible coverage at the lowest cost. We apply this test to all forms of insurance offerings, including business insurance, personal insurance, contract bonding and employee benefits.