Paul Eberth
At-Large Member
Director, Midwest Region Operations
Paul is Director, Midwest Region Operations for Enbridge with operational oversight of its Liquids business in Minnesota, North Dakota, and Wisconsin. Over the past 18 years with Enbridge, Paul worked in both Canada and the US, and has held positions in Liquids Pipelines, Renewable Power, and in Public Affairs, Communications & Sustainability, where he recently led Enbridge’s Tribal Engagement team. His passion for energy and business is evident in his advocacy as an Enbridge representative in regulatory testimony, public hearings, and in the media.
Prior to joining Enbridge, Paul worked as a project developer for Gamesa in Minneapolis, MN, developing, siting, and designing wind farms, including working on the first utility scale wind farm in Illinois.
Paul is a licensed professional engineer, a UMD graduate and lives in Duluth with his wife Kristin and two daughters.