NORTHFORCE Powers Through 2016
Thursday, June 30, 2016
Suzanne Cormie from the Consulate General of Canada welcomes members of the Chicago International Trade Commissioners Association and local business leaders.
On Thursday, May 5, 2016, APEX and the Consulate General of Canada hosted members of the Chicago International Trade Commissioners’ Association (CITCA) in collaboration with the Minnesota Trade Office at the Greysolon Plaza. The International Trade Commissioners hailed from China, Ecuador, Indonesia, Macedonia, Mexico, the Philippines, Romania, Taipei, Thailand, Hungary, Malaysia, Korea and Brazil.
The Commissioners were widely impressed with Minnesota and Duluth in particular, seeing many opportunities for foreign direct trade in the future and welcome conversations with local business owners. The Commissioners spent time touring the Duluth Seaway Port Authority, Loll Designs and Cirrus. Kathleen Motzenbacher, Minnesota Trade Office Director, was instrumental in this global outreach effort, knowing that there are many economic development opportunities in northern Minnesota.
“We are extremely proud of this region,” stated Brian Hanson. “We are proud to host our distinguished visitors. We’ve been seeking international trade opportunities for quite some time and are looking forward to making our vision a reality.”
Suzanne Cormie, Senior Trade Commissioner from the Consulate General of Canada, was pleased to be in Duluth, knowing that trade between Canada and Minnesota supports many jobs in Minnesota. In fact, $1.4 million passes over the Minnesota/Canada border. As a repeat visitor, Cormie has been impressed with the City of Duluth, its innovative business offerings, and the many international direct trade opportunities to be explored.
To learn more about the visit, or the International Trade initiatives, contact Brian Hanson.
Category: International Trade