APEX Recognized for NORTHFORCE Efforts
Wednesday, February 24, 2016
In January, APEX and investor-member The Northspan Group were recognized for NORTHFORCE by the Economic Development Association of Minnesota (EDAM) as Economic Development Initiative of the Year. In addition to APEX and The Northspan Group, the organizations responsible for marketing and program administration, initiative partners also include Iron Range Resources and Rehabilitation Board (IRRRB), the City of Duluth, Minnesota, the City of Superior, Wisconsin, the College of St. Scholastica, Minnesota Power and the Duluth Superior Area Community Foundation.
“Workforce is a top issue in economic development,” stated Brian Hanson, APEX President and CEO. “NORTHFORCE not only helps identify skilled talent for our existing employers, it provides a solid base of available workforce information to support our recruiting efforts.”
EDAM is a professional association of individuals and organizations throughout the state of Minnesota with a mission to advance economic development in Minnesota. EDAM members are leading economic developers in the state of Minnesota. EDAM consults with the state on public policy issues related to economic development and helps continually define and improve the profession. In 2014, APEX received the EDAM award for Excellence in Economic Development Marketing in recognition of its strategic Lake County data center attraction campaign.
For more information on NORTHFORCE, contact Ian Vincent at Ian@apexgetsbusiness.com or (218) 740-3667.