New labor rules-what employers need to know
Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Attorney Tom Togerson of the Hanft Fride Law Firm will give a free presentation from 5:30-6:30 p.m. Tuesday for business owners, non-profits, human resource professionals, supervisors and anyone who wants to learn more about the upcoming Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) overtime rule changes effective Dec. 1 He will address:
- New minimum salary requirements for white collar exemptions
- Strategies to help organization be compliant
- Who is exempt from the rule changes
- Late breaking news on the proposed changes
- New minimum salary requirements for highly compensated employees
- How automatic increases in the future will be determined by the Department of Labor
The Northland Human Resource Association in partnership with Hanft Fride Law Firm and Duluth Workforce Center is offering the event at no cost, but registration is requested as space is limited. Register on the NHRA website at Online event registration can also be found at
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