Minnesota Power named ‘Large Business of the Year’
Sunday, February 19, 2017

The Little Falls Area Chamber of Commerce recently named Minnesota Power as the “Large Business of the Year.”
“It’s a surprise, yet at the same time, it isn’t, but it is definitely an honor,” said Dan Gunderson, director of distribution engineering and operations at Minnesota Power.
Supervisor of the line crew Dean Erdman said he didn’t think Minnesota Power would be considered.
“It seems like it is usually surrounded around businesses that sell items, not just provide a service,” Erdman said.
Minnesota Power, founded in 1923, provides electric power to Little Falls and across Northeast Minnesota — covering a 26,000 square mile service territory and serving 145,000 customers.
Through its EnergyForward plan, Minnesota Power strives to do its parts in providing reliable and clean energy. At the same time, the company also strives to help transform the way energy is produced, delivered and consumed in the United States.
In addition, Minnesota Power is strengthening the grid that delivers energy to homes, businesses and other industry. It also generates more power from renewable sources, such as wind, water and solar, while helping customer find ways to understand, manage and reduce their energy use.
Working hard to provide the service sometimes entails working day and night to get the electricity back on after a big storm.
“People may not know we’re out there working on it, but we are,” Erdman said.
Erdman knows very well what it is like to work on the line crew. He did it for 30 years and his son, Kyler, 19, is looking to follow in his footsteps.
But what makes Minnesota Power stand out is its tireless dedication to serve the communities it provides service to.
To view the full article, visit: Morrison County Record
Category: Investors