Cloquet's Sappi North America Presented With Award
Monday, October 16, 2017
CLOQUET - Sappi North America was presented with an award from the Minnesota Office of Foreign Direct Investment for investing in the state of Minnesota. The award highlights the company's economic impact on local communities, and the commitment to keep Minnesota a world-leading business destination.
"It's a tremendous honor and we were very pleased to have the state of Minnesota recognize our investment here," said Mark Gardner, President and CEO of Sappi North America.
Gardner says he was surprised and pleased when he heard Sappi was going to be presented the award. He says the award says a lot about the company strategy and where they have made investments.
Rep. Rick Nolan, (D-Minn) says Sappi North America has provided over 700 jobs to the state of Minnesota.
Gardner knows the award will help the company moving forward, and he says he will share it with customers and business partners.
"It will make a positive difference and also reinforces what we've been doing here in Minnesota, but also in North America and around the world," said Gardner.
He wants to thank the state of Minnesota and the local community for their support.
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