Future Forest Stewards Invites High School Juniors and Seniors to North Star Expo

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Grand Rapids, MN: Future Forest Stewards (FFS) is pleased invite high school juniors and seniors to learn more about careers in Minnesota’s forestry industry at the Minnesota Timber Producers Association’s 65th annual North Star Expo. The expo will be held on September 14-15, 2018, at the Itasca County Fairgrounds in Grand Rapids, Minnesota. 

The expo will provide students first-hand opportunities to learn about the importance of the forestry industry in Minnesota and the wide variety of jobs that make Minnesota a strong timber and timber products producer. The industry includes career opportunities in logging, trucking, foresters, millwork, mechanics, research, manufacturing, forest products and more.

Expo educational sessions for high school students include:

  • Logging Site: Discover the ins and outs of the business from a professional logger.

  • Forestry 101: Learn about the importance of managing forests in northern Minnesota.

  • Forest Industry and Minnesota: Explore the process from forest to timber products and everywhere in between.

  • Jobs in the Industry: Talk with industry leaders and learn more about potential job opportunities in the region.

At each session, students will hear from industry professionals and learn about many aspects of the forestry industry. Students will also be able to ask questions and explore future career opportunities. This is an exceptional setting for students to network and build relationships that will strengthen their educational and career prospects in the future.

FFS was created through a partnership with the Grand Rapids Chamber of Commerce’s Forestry Affairs Committee with a goal of shepherding the next generation into careers in the forestry industry. Through organizing a job fair in conjunction with the North Star Expo, FFS aims to provide high school students opportunities to explore the wide range of good-paying jobs in the forestry industry.

Wood and timber products are one of Minnesota’s valuable natural resources, the forestry industry provides a wide variety of good-paying jobs in the region with benefits, flexibility and room to grow. As much of the industry’s workforce approaches retirement, it is essential to attract the next generation with opportunities to build careers close to home. Additionally, jobs in the forestry industry fall on a wide spectrum of qualification – ranging from entry-level positions with on-the-job training up to jobs that require an associate’s or bachelor’s degree.  

FFS worked closely with the Department of Iron Range Resources Rehabilitation’s (IRRR) and the Applied Learning Institute (ALI), the Northeast Minnesota Office of Job Training (NMOJT) and many volunteers to organize the upcoming job fair and coordinate with regional high schools.   




About Future Forest Stewards

Future Forest Stewards (FFS) was founded to foster connections between high school students and forestry industry professionals. Through a partnership with the Grand Rapids Chamber of Commerce’s Forestry Affairs Committee, FFS introduces the regional workforce’s next generation into careers in the forestry industry. In 2018, FFS organized a job fair in conjunction with the North Star Expo to provide high school students opportunities to explore the wide range of good-paying jobs in the forestry industry. For more information, contact Tamara Lowney, Senior Business Developer at the Area Partnership for Economic Expansion (APEX). tamara@APEXgetsbusiness.com.


About the Department of Iron Range Resources Rehabilitation

The Department of Iron Range Resources and Rehabilitation (IRRR) is a State of Minnesota development agency located in Eveleth, Minnesota. IRRR’s mission is to promote and invest in business, community and workforce development for the betterment of northeastern Minnesota. IRRR provides vital funding, including low or no interest loans, grants and loan guarantees for businesses relocating or expanding in the region. Additionally, a variety of grants are available to local units of government, education institutions and nonprofits that promote workforce development and sustainable communities. For more information, visit: https://mn.gov/irrrb/.


About the Applied Learning Institute

Applied Learning Institute (ALI) was formed in 2006 to enhance technical education in northeast

Minnesota by providing experiential learning that combines hands-on training and technology. The goal of ALI is to help create highly trained, knowledgeable workers who are equipped with the technical and problem-solving skills needed by employers everywhere. For more information, visit: https://www.facebook.com/AppliedLearningInstitute/.


About the Minnesota Timber Producers Association

The Minnesota Timber Producers Association (TPA) is a trade organization representing not only loggers, but also wood brokers, truckers, sawmill operators, and other allied businesses in Minnesota’s forest products industry. Founded in 1937, TPA is not only the state’s oldest such trade organization but also our state’s largest. TPA represents its members at the federal, state, county, and municipal levels, with lawmakers and agencies, promoting issues important to the logging and wood products industries. For more information, visit:  www.mntimberproducers.com.


About Itasca Economic Development Corporation 
Itasca Economic Development Corporation (IEDC) is a non-profit corporation that works to create quality jobs in the region by helping local businesses from start-up to major expansion. As a resource for business development, IEDC promotes the retention and growth of existing businesses and attracts new businesses to our supportive and competitive regional environment. With excellent directors, strategic partners and a seasoned staff, IEDC has the insights and knowledge to help businesses considering expanding or relocating to the Itasca area. For more information, visit: http://www.itascadv.org/


About APEX

APEX is the private-sector-led business development engine for northeast Minnesota and northwest Wisconsin. APEX investor-members represent some of the most influential companies in the region, with a collaborative approach to promoting sustainable economic growth. APEX attraction, expansion and retention efforts focus in areas including aviation, manufacturing, professional services and next-generation forest products. APEX has impacted over 4,200 jobs in the region, resulting in an annual regional payroll of over $170 million and contributing to over $23 million in state and local taxes annually. For more information on APEX, please visit www.APEXgetsbusiness.com.



Category: APEX