Barr earns national recognition
Thursday, March 21, 2019
Barr Engineering, Inc. of Duluth has earned a National Recognition Award for exemplary engineering achievement in the American Council of Engineering Companies’ (ACEC) 52nd annual Engineering Excellence Awards (EEA) for leading the Highway 210 Reconstruction project in Carlton.
After an intense rainstorm in June 2012 caused extensive damage and slope failures along a section of scenic Highway 210 through Jay Cooke State Park, the Minnesota Department of Transportation considered permanently closing the highway to the public. Six years later, travelers once again enjoy the road’s scenery thanks to the application of innovative geotechnical designs that restored more than 70 slopes along a 3.5-mile stretch of difficult terrain, ACEC said in its announcement. A concurrent design-build process allowed construction to get underway as specific design elements were completed, speeding the reopening process.
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