APEX Strategic Planning Underway
Thursday, August 08, 2019
The planning for APEX’s 2020 strategic plan is underway. In the spring, APEX distributed a request for proposal to local, regional and statewide consultants in search of a partner to lead the organization through the strategic planning process. In June, Mark Schill with Praxis Strategy Group was selected to lead the effort.
The APEX Executive Committee and staff are working with Praxis Strategy Group to establish a work plan and timeline for the process. Expect to learn more about how investor-member insight will be gleaned - there will be a number of avenues available to engage and provide feedback this fall. The final strategic plan should be complete by November.
Praxis Strategy Group is headquartered in Grand Forks, ND. The firm has worked on economic development strategy and policy reports in 15 states and is the author of Enterprising States, an annual report covering economic development initiatives in all 50 states. Their process combines one-on-one interviews with focused research to inform key opportunities. Their clients include communities, regions, states, and private-public partnerships at the intersection of higher education, business, and government. APEX partner and investor-member, Itasca Economic Development Corporation (IEDC) recently worked with Praxis Strategy Group on the organization’s strategic plan.
Category: APEX