Leadership Minnesota 2020
Thursday, October 10, 2019
The Minnesota Chamber of Commerce’s Leadership Minnesota 2020 program kicked off in September with an exclusive look at Minnesota’s changing economy and the issues that will shape our state’s future.
Brian Hanson, APEX President and CEO, is part of the Leadership Minnesota 2020 cohort and recently traveled to Mankato, Minnesota for the first of five two-day sessions. These sessions focus on giving our state’s business leaders valuable first-hand experiences in the industries that support our economy. After a brief orientation about the program, participants explored the financial services industry at Taylor Corporation, receiving an exclusive tour from Taylor Corporation’s Executive Vice President, Greg Jackson, and Bart Prins, President of Strategic Partnerships.
“Taylor Corporation is one of our state’s largest privately-held companies and they’ve adapted to drive tremendous growth,” said Hanson. “It was fascinating to walk through their modern manufacturing facility and the Technology and Innovation Center. At Taylor, innovation drives growth and I’m bringing back valuable insights to share with our region’s manufacturers.”
On the second day of the session, Leadership Minnesota traveled to the Cambria Natural Stone Surfaces manufacturing facility in Le Sueur, Minnesota. There, Leadership Minnesota learned more about the Davis’ family company history and the foundation of Cambria and also explored how the manufacturer is responding to global competition.
“There are a lot of parallels between Cambria and many of the home-grown manufacturing companies in the APEX region,” continued Hanson. “Addressing global challenges begins with a solid foundation and strong company values that keep employees committed, driven and ready to help drive growth.”
The next Leadership Minnesota session will take place in October when participants will head to Grand Rapids to explore the timber, mining and energy industries in northern Minnesota. Minnesota Power and PolyMet Mining are sponsoring this exciting session.
About Leadership Minnesota
Minnesota’s economic engine is powered by more than 100,000 businesses, a diverse landscape interconnected in ways not understood by the casual observer. For a select group, Leadership Minnesota opens the window to a behind-the-scenes look at what makes our state’s economy tick. This exclusive program also helps you understand how public policy crafted at the Capitol impacts the vitality of each and every Minnesota company. By establishing a rich network of Minnesota business leaders, your shared experiences make you more effective leaders at your workplace.
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