Lake Superior College Waiving Application Fee In April
Thursday, May 07, 2020

Lake Superior College waived its application fee in April, and is now extending that through the end of June. This is part of an initiative to encourage prospective students to explore the 90-plus programs offered at LSC, as well as potentially help assist and support those employees who may be, or could become, displaced workers due to economic challenges with the coronavirus (COVID-19).
Lake Superior College offers a wide variety of certificate, diploma and associate degree programs in career and technical fields, as well as pre-baccalaureate majors for students interested in saving thousands by completing their first two years at LSC and then transferring to a 4-year institution.
“We want to make it easy as possible for prospective students to apply to Lake Superior College and take advantage of the extraordinary education at an exceptional value,” said Daniel Fanning, Vice President of Advancement and External Relations, who oversees strategic enrollment management at LSC. “Like most colleges and universities throughout the world, we experienced a dip in applications and overall enrollment when COVID-19 closed down high schools several weeks ago. However, we’ve been experiencing an impressive bounce back in enrollment the past few weeks. We are even seeing some programs with enrollment higher than they were this time last year. Trends are showing that students are applying later than they have the past couple of years, which certainly makes sense given the current situation. That’s why we are extending the opportunity to apply for free to LSC through June.”
Lake Superior College now offers several associate degrees guaranteed to transfer to all seven Minnesota State universities. Once a student completes a Transfer Pathway degree program at LSC, they will be guaranteed junior status at any of the seven Minnesota State universities.
Starting Fall Semester 2020, LSC students will be able to attain bachelor’s degrees in community psychology and health promotion, agriculture solutions and marketing through a joint partnership with Southwest Minnesota State University. Courses will be available on-campus, online or a combination of the two, otherwise known as hybrid.
Lake Superior College offers the third lowest tuition for community and technical colleges in the state and was recently ranked as the best community college in Minnesota as well as among the top community colleges in the nation.
Article written by Howie Hanson
Category: Investors