Minnesota Power energizes hydropower line
Friday, June 19, 2020
Minnesota Power has energized its Great Northern Transmission Line, which delivers 250 megawatts of carbon-free hydropower from Manitoba to Minnesota Power customers.
Completed in February, the 224-mile line runs from the Canadian border in Roseau County to a substation near Grand Rapids. It consists of 800 tower structures that were fabricated in the United States and used 10,000 tons of North American steel. About 2,200 miles of wire were required to install the line’s conductors. Property taxes are paid to local communities along the route.
“This is such an incredible achievement for Minnesota Power,” which is a division of Duluth-based ALLETE, said ALLETE President and CEO Bethany Owen. “The GNTL will help Minnesota Power to provide our customers with 50 percent renewable energy less than a year from now. As part of our EnergyForward strategy, it also strengthens the grid across the Midwest and in Canada, enhancing reliability for all of our customers.”
To read the full article please visit Business North.
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