Hodnik joins Minnesota Business Hall of Fame
Tuesday, August 04, 2020
Al Hodnik, ALLETE (NYSE:ALE) executive chairman and former president and CEO, is among this year’s inductees to the Minnesota Business Hall of Fame.
Each year the magazine honors five influential business leaders in Minnesota, recognizing them for their leadership and accomplishments in their respective industries, as well as their contributions to the business community. Hodnik joins more than 100 leaders inducted during the past 21 years.
Bethany Owen, who succeeded Hodnik as ALLETE president and CEO, said Hodnik’s leadership and vision have played a key role in the company’s success.
“As a company and as individuals, we have all benefited tremendously from Al’s passion for people, our region and the energy industry, and his commitment to integrity and ethics,” Owen said. “ALLETE is the company it is today because of Al’s visionary and strategic leadership."
To read the full article please visit Business North.
Category: Investors