A push to spur rural relocation
Friday, January 21, 2022
APEX’s Brian Hanson, along with Investor-Members Itasca Economic Development Corporation and several community partners are quoted in BusinessNorth’s continued reporting on our regional workforce shortage and what industry leaders are doing to find and retain crucial staffing during the pandemic. This article focuses on relocating remote workers to rural areas, including Itasca County, and what’s being done to draw and retain those workers to those areas.
Northeastern Minnesota’s small town life, community unity, available jobs and recreational opportunities are key advantages for those looking to relocate, said Brian Hanson, president and CEO of the Area Partnership for Economic Expansion (APEX) in Duluth.
“I think COVID showed us there are reasons to be here,” said Hanson. “If you’re tied to your desk in the Twin Cities, you maybe never thought of ‘I’m going to work from home’.”
To view full article, visit BusinessNorth
Category: APEX