NBC participates in SWL&P’s solar garden
Friday, September 09, 2022
National Bank of Commerce (NBC) purchased 60 blocks of solar from Superior Water Light and Power’s (SWL&P) new community solar garden. This new solar garden will provide renewable energy to Superior’s residents and businesses that wish to partake. Uniquely enough, the split between residential and commercial customers is about 50/50. The garden will be built on the corner of 28th and Hammond near Heritage Park.
Joscelyn Skandel, Manager of Regulatory Compliance, Policy & Rates at SWL&P stated, “Having a business like NBC sign up and support us on this project is a win-win-win for NBC, the community and SWL&P. NBC is a respected business in the community and having them share in our vision of providing renewable energy to our residents and businesses alike is powerful. Together we are advancing a clean-energy future.”
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